When calculating car insurance prices, we weigh up a number of things. Some are related to you (the driver), like the kind of car you own, where you live and other personal details that help us figure out your risk of having an accident.
Other factors affect everyone equally. Things like smarter cars and increased weather events. Once we've considered everything carefully, we do our best to keep insurance affordable for customers. Check out the video for more on how we calculate Car insurance premiums.
The roads can be a risky place, and as an insurance provider, we need to calculate your risk of having an accident so we can work out how much you should pay. Things like your choice of car, your age, and where you live, along with any past claims can all affect your car insurance premium. That's why from year to year, what you pay may change.
Bells and whistles are cool. The latest cars have intelligent features like lane departure warning, parking sensors and collision avoidance. They make our cars snazzier, easier to drive, and most importantly, safer. However, they are costly to repair. All these high-tech extras need expensive parts and skilled specialists to fix them. It costs a lot to keep mechanics up-to-speed, and these costs are adding pressure to insurance premiums.
The type of car insurance cover you have is a big factor in how much you pay. At State, we have three levels of cover to choose from.
Comprehensive car insurance with all the bells and whistles. Whether it’s someone else’s fault or you accidentally prang your car, we’ve got your back.
Cover with some protection including theft and fire, damage to someone’s vehicle or property, damage to your car by an uninsured driver or injuring someone in an accident you’ve caused.
No-frills car insurance that covers damage to someone else’s vehicle or property, your liability if you accidentally injure someone, or for damage to your car caused by an uninsured driver.
There are a few things you can do to reduce your car insurance premium:
Find out more about ways to save
For help with reducing your premiums, call us on 0800 80 24 24.