One day out of the blue I heard from the uncle from whom my family had been estranged for 42 years. Of course the first thing I wanted to do was visit him in Auckland. So I booked the time off work and got ready to go on the Monday morning.
I wanted to mow the lawns before we left, so late on the Saturday afternoon I got out the electric mower and got to work.
I suffer from bad sinus pain so I took out my lower denture to stop me clenching my jaw while I was mowing. I popped it into my shirt pocket for safekeeping along with my keys. The trouble was, when I finished the lawn and went inside for dinner my teeth weren’t there.
My husband helped me retrace my steps to the moment I’d heard the mower make a loud clatter - and to the moment before that when I’d lent down over the mower in roughly the same place to connect the power cable. We put two and two together and, sure enough, when I checked that spot on my freshly cut lawn there was my lower denture - shredded into several pieces.
All I could think about was having to cancel my trip because everyone knows dentures can’t be fitted and made in the same day. But when I phoned State early on the Monday morning they gave me a claim number so I could contact an emergency dentist in Palmerston North. I arranged a 10.30am appointment that morning, and by 5.30pm that same day I was heading home with a new lower denture. I was so happy that I could still make our trip the next day, and it was all thanks to State.